

Full name of the applicant: F&R Partner Sütőipari és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Management form code: 113 - Limited liability company (Act CXLIV of 1997)

Project location: 2040 Budaörs, Raktár út 1.

Representative details: Ádám Méry Managing Director

Electronic mail address: ankermz@gmail.com

Project leader, contact person: Zoltán Méry Site Manager

Electronic mail address: ankermz@gmail.com

Project title: Development of health-conscious bakery products - and production technology innovation at F&R Partner Kft. in Budaörs

Start of project implementation: 2019.05.30.

End of project implementation: 2021. 05. 29.

Technical summary of the project:


Product development: a significant part of the consumption of bakery products - nearly 15% - comes from the daily bakery products consumed by people every day, mainly as breakfast snacks. In the current portfolio of this product group, bakery products are mainly made from traditional white flour, such as croissants, puff pastry, sandwich bases. The market for daily bakery products does not currently have a product that fully meets health-conscious nutritional objectives. Improvements are being made to bring the range up to the required nutritional (fibre-rich) indicators, but this can currently only be achieved by adding wholemeal flour, which, if used, would result in a range with a different enjoyment value to traditional products and thus limit the consumer base. Wholegrain products are coarser and coarser to the touch, and although the possibility of good nutrition is given, consumers do not necessarily choose products that provide it, because of the 'differences' explained above. However, the nutrients that people put into their bodies are a key issue for good health. The physiological benefits of eating foods high in fibre have been scientifically proven. Their deficiency has a role in the development of various intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) and in the strengthening of the intestinal tract. A new breakfast product line NASIZZ is being developed.

Appearance: a 50-100 g round medallion-shaped product with an engraving on the surface indicating the flavour of the filling. The filling ratio in the product is 50%. The nutritional value of the product will differ from similar bakery products in that it will provide the body with a dietary fibre content of 6,5 g/100 g or more, thus promoting a healthy diet. The innovation will be to develop a modified starch-based system that meets consumer expectations in every respect, so that consumers do not have to abandon familiar flavours, tastes and shapes, and can "sneak" fibre into their daily lives. Thanks to the dietary fibre derived from the resistant starch content, the finished product will have a number of positive physiological effects and the benefits of wholemeal flours. It will have a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels, as it will produce a prolonged and not too intense glycaemic response, maintaining normal blood glucose and insulin levels. It will also have a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. This modified starch therefore combines the benefits of both types of product: it has all the health benefits of wholegrain cereals, in addition to the familiar appearance of white flour. Presentation of the technology to be developed for the creation of the products: The first step in the development of the NASIZZ range is to create a production line suitable for mass production, since the novelty of the technology required for product development lies first and foremost in the fact that no such line has been used to produce bakery products to date, i.e. there is currently no line available for the mass production of filled bakery products. The development will involve the development of a machine technology that will allow for series production and processing to be carried out by machine. F&R Partner Ltd. will initiate a domestic patent procedure at the National Intellectual Property Office for the new NASIZZ product line that will be developed.


Aid requested: 94.440.808 HUF

Own resources: 38.442.320 Ft

Total project cost: 132.863.128 Ft

Aid intensity: 71,08 %